Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

Considering the importance of professional and community partnership and its role in preparing qualified healthcare professionals capable of competing in the job market, the Program Advisory Committee is established and is made up of multi-disciplinary team external to the college who have a direct interest in and a diversity of experience and expertise related to the particular occupational area addressed by the program. It is the key source of external advice and advocacy to assist the program to develop GMU into one of the top medical universities in the Middle East region and worldwide.
The program director
External Members:
It is imperative that the external members be representative of the program field of study to ensure relevancy in content, ongoing support and community involvement in the specific program area. External members from UAE or Internationally should include a fair cross section of healthcare practitioners, industry partners, international universities professors, employers of program graduates, community healthcare leaders and/or graduates of the program to offer direction and advice from varying perspectives.
Internal Members:
Internal members should include the College Dean, the program director and a representative core faculty as well as a student representative.
Term of office
Two years (Renewable)
Frequency of Meetings
The College Program Advisory Committee will meet biannually or as needed.
College Dean
Decision-Making & Voting Right
The committee adopts a collaborative decision-making approach. Every member has voting rights including students. A simple majority, defined as more than 50%, is necessary for the approval of any given decision.
Advise the College in defining the objectives of the program.
Advise the College on the specific skills required by the students to reach the objectives.
Review and make recommendations in relation to the curriculum to be more in alignment with the requirements of the profession and responsive to societal needs.
Advise on changes in the labour market which will affect the employment of graduates and to assist in the placement of graduates where this is possible.
Make recommendations to upgrade the program infrastructure, research and teaching capacity.
Provide consultation when directed by the College on matters in their field of specialty
Review the quality assurance reports related to the program.
Contribute towards the development of dynamic relationships with industry and the wider community, both locally and internationally.
Review the program curriculum regularly and make recommendations to align it with the evolving requirements of the profession and societal needs.