Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness
The College Assessment Committee is responsible to ensure that the college and its programs develop and implement a quality student assessment system based on evidence and best practices in health professions education.
A faculty member experienced in assessment to be appointed by the College Council.
Faculty members with experience in assessment in health professions education to be nominated by the College Council.
Term of office
Two years (Renewable once)
Frequency of Meetings
Once monthly and as frequent as needed.
College Dean
Decision-Making & Voting Right
The College Assessment Committee shall:
Supervise the assessment policy in the college and ensure the development and use of appropriate assessment instruments.
Provide the Curriculum Committee and Quality Assurance & Program Evaluation Committee with reports of the examination results and observations.
Review examination questions in terms of their structure and scientific validity.
Review and refine the college question bank in coordination with the college departments.
Ensure that each exam has a test blueprint based on course and program learning outcomes and competencies.
Evaluate the standard setting for the courses after the examination and decide the cut off marks for the pass grades.
Verify the end-of-semester examination results and forward to the College Council for approval of grades release to students.
Review item analysis psychometrics and reports produced by the University Assessment office and present a consolidated report in the College Council.
Present to the College Council a report on the results and grade distribution after each semester.