Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

The Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation Committee is constituted to develop and supervise the implementation of a comprehensive and systematic quality assurance and improvement process for the college programs.
Faculty appointed by the College Council
Faculty members with experience in quality assurance to be nominated by the College Council.
Student representative(s) nominated by the College Council.
Term of office
Two years (Renewable once)
Frequency of Meetings
Once monthly and as frequent as needed.
College Dean
Decision-Making & Voting Right
The committee adopts a collaborative decision-making approach. Every member has voting rights including students. A simple majority, defined as more than 50%, is necessary for the approval of any given decision.
The College Quality Assurance and Program Evaluation Committee shall:
Review program effectiveness report(s) and course files, recommend, follow-up and contribute to quality improvement actions.
Work in coordination with other College Committees e.g. Curriculum Committee and Assessment Committees to improve the quality of College programs.
Analyze the exit exam and/or international benchmark exams results, in collaboration with the College Assessment Committee, and recommend improvement actions.
Conduct an end-of-semester meeting with all lead faculty and student representatives to discuss student evaluation and grades of all courses, and recommend changes to be implemented through the College Curriculum Committee.
Collaborate with the University Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness Deanship to improve the quality of all operations within the College.
Review the analysis of all program related surveys e.g. exit survey, employer survey and graduate destination survey presented by each program director/coordinator and recommend actions for improvement.
Ensure proper implementation of College Policies and Procedures.
Follow-up on the implementation of the College strategic plan and prepare an annual operational report to show the achievement of the different strategic projects.
Review the college meeting minutes and follow-up on implementation of the planned actions.
Review the self-study reports for accreditation of the College programs by National (CAA) and international accreditation bodies.