Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

Head of General Education Unit
General Education
Vice Chancellor Academics
Reporting to
Curriculum Development, Higher Education policies and trends , Assessment and Evaluations, Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Accreditation and Compliance
Leadership and strategic thinking, Communication and Collaboration, Project Management, Budgeting and Resource Management
Program Leadership & Management:
Lead and manage the General Education Unit, including oversight of curriculum development and revision.
Ensure the alignment of general education courses with the institution's mission, learning outcomes, and accreditation requirements.
Coordinate the assessment of the general education curriculum to ensure program quality and effectiveness.
Curriculum Development:
Develop, revise, and assess general education courses, ensuring interdisciplinary and comprehensive coverage of key competencies (critical thinking, communication, ethics, etc.).
Collaborate with faculty across departments to ensure curriculum integration and coherence.
Monitor trends in higher education to ensure the general education program remains current and relevant.
Faculty Support & Collaboration:
Work with faculty members to develop innovative teaching approaches and interdisciplinary projects.
Provide guidance, mentorship, and professional development opportunities for instructors teaching general education courses.
Foster a collaborative environment that supports academic innovation and excellence.
Assessment & Accreditation:
Lead the assessment of student learning outcomes and ensure that results inform curriculum improvement.
Prepare reports and documentation for accreditation purposes and ensure compliance with external standards.
Ensure regular reviews of general education programs based on feedback, data, and institutional priorities.
Policy & Administrative Duties:
Oversee the development and implementation of policies related to general education.
Manage the budget and resources allocated to the General Education Unit.
Represent the General Education Unit in various institutional committees and governance bodies.
Student Support:
Collaborate with student services to ensure general education programs support students’ academic success and overall development.
Engage with students to understand their learning needs and adjust program content accordingly.
Strategic Planning & Innovation:
Participate in strategic planning for the institution, ensuring the general education program aligns with long-term institutional goals.
Lead initiatives to innovate the general education curriculum, incorporating technology, research, and experiential learning.