Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

Assistant Dean Assessment
Preferably Master's in Health Professions Education
Reporting to
5 years of academic experience after the Ph.D.
• Knowledge and understanding of student assessment.
• Knowledge and understanding of program evolution.
• Thorough understanding of data analysis.
• Knowledge of University and College policies and procedures.
• Excellent Communication and Interpersonal skill
• Ability to plan, organize and implement assigned responsibilities and to meet deadlines
• Organizational, analytical and planning skills.
Oversee the creation of appropriate course learning outcomes in line with the new UAE competency framework.
Ensure appropriate mapping and alignment of all CLOs with PLOs of the new competency framework.
Oversee the creation and full implementation of the student portfolio with appropriate mapping to PLOs to specific courses where they are assessed at the appropriate levels using valid tools.
Oversee the mapping of exit exam questions to all PLOs.
In collaboration with the assessment committee, review assessment rubrics that measure CLOs for appropriateness.
In collaboration with the assessment committee and the Quality Assurance & Program Evaluation (QA&PE) committee, develop and implement assessment tools and assessment rubrics measuring the achievement of each PLO at different stages/phases of the curriculum.
In collaboration with the Curriculum committee, QA&PE committee, and student mentors, develop remedial actions for students struggling to be at expected level of attainment of specific PLOs. Such remedial programs are expected to ensure that all PLOs are achieved by all students at the point of graduation.
Oversee the question bank where questions are created, validated, and mapped (to CLOs & PLOs) for every course.
In collaboration with the assessment committee, review the current blueprint for midsemester, final exam, and other assessments to be in line with best practices and the most recent literature.
In collaboration with the assessment committee, ensure that Exam Analysis Reports are used to eliminate and/or modify exam questions related to discrimination index, etc.
Work with the Associate Dean Academic and Associate Dean Clinical on creating a list of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) and defining levels for these EPAs at different points in the curriculum.
Create new policies and review existing policies related to assessment and evaluation and ensuring perfect alignment with CAA standards.