Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness

Manager Assessment and Evaluations
Assessment and Evaluation
Reporting to
8 years
• Knowledge of trends and issues in students achievement and assessment.
• Knowledge of department and college policies, procedures, and practices.
• Knowledge of statistics.
• Strong research skills.
• Understanding of data analysis.
• Knowledge of assessment systems.
• Knowledge of program evaluation.
• Leadership & Communication skill
• Decision making skill
• Ability to plan, organize and implement assigned responsibilities and to work well under pressure to meet deadlines
• Employee development and performance management skills.
• Excellent organizational, analytical and planning skills.
• Manages continuity change and transition
• Creativity and dynamism
• MS Office
Responsible for overseeing the University examination process and in consultation with the Deans/Program Directors
Schedule examination including periods and dates Guide assessment procedures
Assure implementation of an assessment policy for students who have a disability
Assure alignment of assessments as per module specifications.
Align department goals and work with the University’s vision and strategic plan.
Provide assessment services,
Participates in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the University’s vision.
Oversees the assessment program, which implements the monitoring system for student achievement, perception data, program data, and demographic data.
Utilizes the student data system to measure student performance over time to inform educational decision making.
Works with post-secondary institutions to collect and analyze their data for informing opportunities for students to enable success after graduation.
Advises staff, and school board on policy related to student achievement and assessment.
Responsible for program review and evaluation to ensure that programs align with the District’s vision and achievement goals.
Oversees the District’s student records, and the student information data management.
Conducts research on instructional and student data management systems.
Develops and administers the budget for assessment.
Shall be responsible for all aspects of the examination process, including:
Organization of all University examinations
Organization of invigilation for all University examinations
Production of University Diplomas and Certificates
Production of all official pass lists
Production of all GMU examination timetables
Provision of Special Examination Arrangements for Students with special needs
Maintenance of the External Examiners Database
Processing External Examiners appointments and payments
Liaising with the office of Head, Registers and Records in the production of degree certificates
Maintenance of postgraduate research students records
Maintenance of question banks
Calling for submission of question papers from departments
Uploading of question papers,
Evaluation of the answer papers by the concerned departments.
Arranging for the tabulation of marks
Arranging for finalization and announcement of results.
Supervising the valuation procedures.
Handling re-totaling applications.
Recording grades, producing and mailing grade reports
Producing Rank-in-class reports
Ranking undergraduates for graduation